Chrome for iOS can now talk to Physical Web devices - Apps Android Moblile

Chrome for iOS can now talk to Physical Web devices

Chrome for iOS can now talk to Physical Web devices ,

Google has updated its Chrome browser for iOS with support for its Physical Web standard, which allows smart devices to communicate with your phone without the need for other apps.

This refers to Google’s open source protocol that lets connected devices like parking meters and bus stops send URLs straight to Chrome’s Today view widget for actions like payments or checking how long you’ll have to wait for your ride.

A new era of tech events has begun

We’re back in New York this November for the 4th edition of our growth-focused technology event.

The company says it’s only begun exploring how this technology can make users’ lives easier, so it’s not clear exactly how widely available Physical Web devices are just now.

In addition, the update brings a a much-requested feature to Chrome: swiping to navigate between pages.

When browsing pages in a single tab, you can go back by swiping from left to right, and forward by swiping from right to left. This saves you the two taps previously needed to bring up the toolbar and hit the navigation buttons.

➤ Google Chrome [iOS | Android via VentureBeat]

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Google Chrome iOS